A Counselling and Cognitive Behaviour Therapy Service in Glasgow City Centre. Right next to Glasgow's Central Station
Thank you for visitng Counselling-Glasgow, and I warmly welcome you.
There could be many reasons why you are reading my page right now, and I know that trying to find somebody to trust with your story and your thoughts and feelings is not easy. I want to assure you that I will do my very best to help you feel safe and at ease for you to talk about whatever is on your mind.
I have decades of experience supporting people in a range of areas. I am qualified with a Masters Degree, and am currently studying for an MSc in Mindfulness with Aberdeen University. To know more about my experience that enables my practice, please check out 'About Me' here, or on the menu bar above.
I hope you find the content on the site useful, and please do not hesitate to get in touch to ask any quiestions you may have.
With very best wishes from Linda.
I believe it is essential to work with the whole human experience, and to be a flexible and adaptive therapist.
This involves understanding how our thoughts, emotions, behaviours and reactions; as well as how our feelings in our body interact and impact on each other, and to understnad the uniqueness of everybody's individual experience.
This is at the heart of the work I do
Support Yourself
I have written a range of short articles in Blog format about areas that I believe are common to many of us that may be a source of information and support to you.
Articles currently available are
- Help for Low Mood and Depression
- Understanding and Coping with Bereavement
- Understanding and Managing Stress and Anxiety
- Introduction to Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, and Using it in Everyday Life
Click here to access these articles
Counselling - Glasgow on Facebook
My Facebook page compliments the work I do, and I regularly post articles on my Facebook page that inspire me personally, and I hope you may enjoy them too.
Find the link on the right-hand menu bar at the top of the page. Feel free to engage, comment or share anything featured there.
Thank you for visiting
I really appreciate you taking the time to check my site out. Please do not hesitate to get in touch via e-mail to ask any questions you may have; or to book a phone consultation.
Wishing you all the very best from
Linda Hardy